Saturday, 17 November 2007

West End War Cry

Just been out selling Salvation Army papers again today. It's amazing who you can get talking to. Met Mavis today. She's a Zimbabwean Salvationist over visiting family in Edinburgh until 5th December. Invited her to the meetings at Gorgie. Told her we have quite a growing contingent of Zimbabwean's worshipping with us at present.

I've only been standing on a Friday for a few weeks and have met a Swedish Salvationist who was invited to join with us for worship at Gorgie. Then there was Andrew, a former YP Band member of Gorgie. I met an elderly Penicuik Salvationist along with a former Singing Company member the same day.

Also have been struck by the number personal stereos that are used these days by shoppers and workers travelling to the office. All are oblivious to the noises and distractions around them including my salutory "Good Morning" aimed at getting their attention.

Been thinking how many of us salvationists go around with our spiritual ears plugged up, not listening to God's voice, missing those God given opportunities?

Just last week there were workmen digging up part of the road where I was standing. I started engaging one of the workman who informed me they were testing to see if there were pipes under the concrete as the area would be covered with tramlines eventually. "Didn't the council have plans to locate utility pipes?" "Yes", came the reply, "but they were old plans and couldn't be trusted." So the entire main shopping street of Edinburgh is being tested as we approach the busiest time of the year. Brilliant!!

A couple of thoughts came to me. The workmen were really struggling to dig up the hard concrete surface in order to get the softer earth underneath. Sometimes it's like that in my witnessing. I feel that the impact I'm having for God in this ministry is still cracking the hard surface - it's early days for me. I'm not giving up and I know that my prayers and efforts in sharing my story (witnessing) and sharing the gospel will eventually bring people into a saving relationship with God. And what lies buried within such people? I guess when I do 'get through' I might find hurting, abused, anxious and depressed people. Hopefully some joy-filled, positive, educated people also.

And secondly, how often are we using outdated plans and procedures in our attempts to share the gospel. Open airs aren't done anymore in the form of the band standing in the street playing tunes and someone shouting down a megaphone. We live in a post modern world and whilst we have changed our methods vastly over the last two decades, The Salvation Army is still set up with its militaristic methods preaching to post modern people using modernistic ideals.

In other words, we still use the line, either verbally or by our actions "We're saved, come and join us!"

Shouldn't it rather be, "We're journeying on the road, met with God, haven't got life sorted, finding all sorts of issues to deal with. How about you? Can we help each other?" So much more engaging, don't you think?

I love the opportunities and witnessing literature selling affords. Anymore people out there? If so I'd be pleased to hear from you as to what God is doing through you.

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