Sunday, 18 November 2007

Sunday Ministry

Isn't it great when God takes over and takes control. That just happened today at Gorgie. He had it all planned and Garry Brotherston spoke powerfully this morning resulting in God being heard by many people and the mercy seat being lined as people responded. "Counting the cost of being a Christian" was the theme. "It cost God loads for us, what's it costing you?" was the challenge Garry gave. As we sung "I surrender all" many responded under conviction by the Holy Spirit. Earlier Garry shared his testimony and gave a powerful message at Edinburgh Prison to commence the Prisoner's Week Campaign. I felt very much as if God was saying "Hey, move over, I'm happy to take control here." God give us more of you in our midst. All in all a great day and plenty more please God. God's anointing is certainly on this young man. It was a shame all our young folk were at councils retreat, but I think they had an equally challenging, if exhausting time.

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