Oh yes, what a time we had, visiting our former corps in Perth. Saturday night allowed us to reacquaint with many people we grew to love and respect in our nine years in the corps. It was also refreshing to see new faces that have come to the corps during the ministry of Carole and Gordon Tucker's ministry.
Got speaking to Lyn whose father Ian passed away early on in our stay in Perth. Ian came to know the Lord just shortly before dying due to the cancer he had. He was the first person who I had the privilege to lead to Christ as an officer. Well his daughter Lyn and her partner Andrew attend the corps now and I was interested to hear of her journey of faith thus far.
As I shared a rather longer than expected 'reflection' on Saturday night, I mentioned that our time there holds very special memories for us. It was the place of our children's birth, our first corps appointment and a people that accepted our mistakes as well as rejoicing with us when we actually got it right as leaders! But the abiding memory is of people we journeyed with, some now gone to be with the Lord, some who have moved on and others who have sadly lost touch.
I left my prayer for the corps on Sunday.
"You know, Father, next to salvation, the greatest gift you have ever given us is the opportunity to be a part of your family. Thank you that we don't have to go through life disconnected and isolated. Thank you for creating the Perth Corps family.
Help us to be a part of your family and help us learn to love this spiritual family just like you do. Forgive us for taking it casually. We want to grow in fellowship, so today we choose to belong. We want to learn to share and make time to develop real friendships. We want to do our part in this family. We want to learn to love other believers like brothers and sisters. Teach us the meaning of real love. In your name we pray, Amen.”